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Taito United logoTakaisin etusivulle
Frisbeegolf basket in the woods

You found our lost disc, thank you!

Grafiikka Taito Unitedin työntekijästä, joka pelaa frisbeegolfia

You're awesome!

At Taito United, we also like to have fun together alongside work. That's why we gave our employees frisbees. Since you're here, someone has obviously lost theirs. Well, no worries, because we have a lot more of these in the office.

However, we appreciate you for going through the trouble of collecting this disc ... wherever you might have found it. Hopefully this Prodigy M Model US frisbee will come into good use. Have a great time playing!

PS. Taito United is a smallish company in Espoo that creates digital services. We are constantly looking for skilled developers to create future technology and digital services. See below what types of people you can find at Taito!

We make the impossible possible...

... in IT and on the course. Take a look!

Taito United logo


Metsänneidonkuja 10

Spektri, Kvartti 2nd floor

02130 Espoo


Antti Seppänen

+358 50 529

Job application!

Fill quick application
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